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3 Day Startup arrived in Lisbon!


No fim de semana de 2 a 4 de Novembro decorre no ISEG o 3DS Lisbon, um programa de aceleração de ideias, que visa juntar  40 estudantes de valências diferentes, com o intuito de criar startups.

Vais ter a possibilidade de trabalhar com pessoas áreas diferentes, desenvolver capacidades como trabalho de equipa, pensamento crítico, aprendizagem e criatividade e ainda contar com o aconselhamento de mentores experientes. No final farás um pitch a investidores. Esta é uma oportunidade de passares um fim-de-semana na companhia de pessoas fantásticas, a fazer coisas extraordinárias.

De que estás à espera? Candidata-te e sabe mais aqui: http://lisbon.3daystartup.org/

38 events on 4 continents have given rise to 28 companies receiving $7 million in funding. 13 companies from 3DS have been accepted to accelerators such as Y Combinator, TechStars, and 500 Startups.

What is 3 Day Startup?

The idea of 3 Day Startup is simple: start a technology company over the course of three days. We rent work space for an entire weekend, recruit 40 students with a wide range of backgrounds, cater food and drinks, invite top-notch entrepreneurs and investors, pick the best idea for a software startup during the Friday brainstorming session, and release a minimal prototype by Sunday night. The goal is to build enough momentum among a network of motivated people to sustain the company beyond the weekend.


Passionate students with an entrepreneurial drive, including Computer Science (PhD, MS, undergraduate), MBAs, law students, graphic designers, PR, business undergraduates, etc. We are looking for strong candidates that can fill the following roles:
  • Software Engineer
  • Business (Finance, Marketing, Biz Dev)
  • Graphic Design (Web, Print)
  • Advertising, PR
  • Legal
  • Other: Wildcards, Raw Passion


November 2nd, 2012 at 9am until Sunday November 4th, 2012 at 10pm


Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, ISEG


We know many people with great ideas who fail to execute on them for a variety of reasons: lack of time or money, no access to the right people, or not enough confidence to make the plunge. We provide all of the resources to bring an idea to life with the help of 39 other highly skilled and motivated individuals.
3 Day Startup is a great way to get the community excited about entrepreneurship and to spend an intense weekend with creative people who want to actually bring an idea to life as opposed to sitting back and listening to YATAE (yet another talk about entrepreneurship). It’s also a social and business experiment to see how much a group of passionate people can accomplish over the course of 60 hours.
If you’d like to stay in touch and be notified of future events, please connect with us via our contact page.
