Crowdfunding as an increasingly valuable tool for Startups to 2020

tek crowdfunding

"The next five years investment in technology raised through crowdfunding will increase sevenfold. The investment in exchange for a stake in the startup that asks for is the sport that has grown the most.
In 2015 the funding collaborative platforms have helped to collect 1.1 billion dollars for projects in the area of ​​technology.
By 2020 it is estimated that the amount raised by the same route increase to 8.2 billion dollars.The type of equity is one that has grown more significantly. It provides access to shares in the capital of the company that asks for in exchange for investment. The UK market is the most mature when it comes to this type of financing, notably in terms of legislation, admits Juniper, which in the years to see other regions of the globe to regulate this collaborative funding model and with it the further increasing investor demand.For now, the reward model remains the most widely used, but has been losing ground to other alternatives. Some media failures have contributed to bring their own platforms to look for hybrid models that give more confidence to investors.The investment in exchange for equity participations and loan are the two modes that gain more ground. The loans will even add up the largest share of investments in crowdfunding 2020, although most of the projects funded in this way not in technology.
The equity crowdfunding should double the value."

Source & Credits: TEK Sapo
