European Data Portal - Europe public data

O objetivo do European Data Portal é precisamente garantir suporte aos países e estimular a divulgação de mais dados públicos, com exemplos práticos do que pode ser alcançado desta forma. 

The European Data Portal harvests the metadata of Public Sector Information available on public data portals across European countries. Information regarding the provision of data and the benefits of re-using data is also included.

What is Open Data?

Open (Government) Data refers to the information collected, produced or paid for by the public bodies (also referred to as Public Sector Information) and made freely available for re-use for any purpose. The licence will specify the terms of use. These principles for Open Data are described in detail in the Open Definition.
Public sector information is information held by the public sector. The Directive on the re-use of public sector information provides a common legal framework for a European market for government-held data. It is built around the key pillars of the internal market: free flow of data, transparency and fair competition. It is important to note that not all of the public sector information is Open Data.
Find out more about the PSI Directive and other non-legislative activities of DG CONNECT in this area.


About the European Data Portal

Going beyond the harvesting of metadata, the strategic objective of the European Data Portal is to improve accessibility and increase the value of Open Data:
  • Accessibility: How to access this information? Where to find it? How to make it available in the first place? In domains, across domains, across countries? In what language?
  • Value: For what purpose and what economic gain? Societal gain? Democratic gain? In what format? What is the critical mass?
The European Data Portal addresses the whole data value chain: from data publishing to data re-use.
O portal tem agora mais de 400 mil datasets e recebeu várias melhorias técnicas, mais materiais e relatórios que preenchem a biblioteca de conteúdos, permitindo aos interessados encontrar mais material relativo aos diversos países que estão a apostar nos dados abertos.
Os visitantes são também incentivados a partilhar informação, seja através de histórias de serviços públicos que estão a publicar dados ou de PMEs que desenvolveram serviços com base nestes datasets.
