European Maker Week - 30 MAY until 5 JUNE 2016 - MAKE

European Maker Week

Is an initiative promoted by European Commission and implemented by Maker Faire Rome in collaboration with Startup Europe.

A European Maker Week é uma iniciativa promovida pela Comissão Europeia e que, em parceria com a Maker Faire Rome e a Startup Europe, quer dar ainda maior visibilidade ao movimento maker e inspirar o maior número possível de pessoas a deixarem-se pela sua curiosidade e desejo de criar.

 Quem estiver interessado em organizar um evento poderá encontrar informação adicional no site da European Maker Week.

Organize an event

All the FabLabs, Makerspaces, Hackerspaces, Schools and University labs, Research Centers and generally, all those Institutions that work with passion within the maker world, will be able to organize events and activities between May 30 and June 5. (Suggestions here)
During  the European Maker Week you can schedule:
  • Workshops and informative courses
  • Conferences and talks about innovative maker projects
  • Project exhibitions and shows
  • Meetings with the business  world to stimulate synergies between makers, craftsmen and industry
  • Meetings with local Institutions to promote public policies within: the digital technologies field, the shared manufacturing space and the Hardware Startups.
The local organizers will be responsible for designing the activities and promoting them among local communities and institutions. Therefore scheduling an event during the European Week Maker will guarantees:    
  • great visibility (hundreds of events organized simultaneously across Europe);
  • media attention: our Press & Social Media team will pay specific attention to all the organized events by interviewing all the organizers;
  • the official endorsement coming from the European Maker Week and the European Commission, will ensure the recognition of being officially co-organizer of the Week;
  • each organizer will receive a communication toolkit (coordinated visual identity).

What if you are new to the maker movement?

We want to particularly attract new players who have never before organised a maker event to organise an event within the EMW – European Maker Week. The European Commission and Maker Faire Rome believe that it is important that all schools in Europe consider the aspects of making as an essential part of the education activities of the schools. If you are a school and you have no previous experience in the makers world, please indicate it clearly in the application form so that we assist you. We will put you in contact with experienced people in your own region or country so that they can provide you with their own experience.


  1. Anyone interested in organizing a local event within the EMW – European Maker Week must notify the organization as soon as possible by completing the form no later than April 20
  2. In the application form, it is mandatory:
    • illustrate the space where the event will take place;
    • present the profiles of the local organizers;
    • list the possible partnerships;
    • describe the format chosen for the event, the procedures for the audience participation, the target and the potential guests;
    • define the methods of promotion of the event in the local context;
    • declare any local sponsors.
  3. All the FabLabs, the Makerspaces, the Hackerspaces, the Digital Manufacturing Laboratories also Schools and Universities will be allowed to participate. Schools without previous experience are invited to participate. All spaces characterized by a community and proven experience in making will be also allowed to fill in; having a sold community with proven experience in making is necessary also for laboratories within private companies.
  4. The spaces hosting the events must be adequately equipped in order to run the proposed activities e.g.: a video projection system and an Internet connection.
  5. Local organizers must provide photo/video/social network coverage to guarantee all the local events the highest visibility by using the same #hashtag: #EMWeek16. 
  6. The proposed events will be organized to promote educational and formative activities. They cannot promote profit – making business. Educational events (conferences, talk light etc.) will preferably include a plurality of people and projects to represent the local makers community.
  7. The organizers of the EMW will oversee all the applicants to verify if they are really suitable. The organizer will ask for clarification and exclude applications that do not meet the criteria.
  8. Any kind of selling is not allowed during local events.
  9. All the events will grant free admission to the audience.
  10. The events can be supported by local sponsors whose visual presence cannot exceed that of the name “European Maker Week “. The local organizer must clearly communicate that the sponsor is involved on a local basis with no link or endorsement by the European Make Week or the European Commission. 

