FIEP Lisboa 2016 - Feira de Mestrados e Pós-Graduação- @Lisbon - 19 APRIL 2016


Postgraduate training is playing an increasingly important role in the European labour market. University graduates entering the professional world, as well as those already in employment, are aware of the growing competitiveness within the market and the need to differentiate themselves beyond the knowledge and skills acquired at University.

Visitors attending the FIEP International Postgraduate Studies Fair will receive first-hand information on the complete range of postgraduate training opportunities at information tables staffed by the admissions directors of participating business schools and institutions, who will be pleased to clarify any doubts you may have regarding your choice of institution: the type of programme that would best meet your needs, scholarships, career opportunities, financing, teaching faculty, agreements with companies, adaptation to the European Higher Education Area, etc.

Círculo Formación strives to maintain and improve the quality of postgraduate training and, in particular, to ensure that it meets the real needs of today’s competitive job market.

If you are worried about your professional future in the current climate of economic uncertainty, our advice is: improve your career prospects with a master's degree.

FIEP Lisboa 2016 , a principal Feira de Mestrados e Pós-Graduação, onde as melhores universidades e escolas de mestrados terão o prazer de informá-lo sobre os programas de pós-graduação em todas as áreas de estudo...
Marketing, Direito, Finanças, Gestão Hoteleira, Ciências, Design, Informática, Tecnologia, Comunicação, Educação, Ingegnaria, e muitas mais

 Registando-se online, participando do evento e preenchendo um questionário, poderá participar no sorteio de 3 Bolsas "Círculo Formación" de €10.000 cada um, e tiver a possibilidade de utilizar cerca de €1.000.000 em Bolsas de Estudo e ajuda económica disponibilizadas pelos centros participantes.FIEP'2016 LISBOA:
    Data: Terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2016
    Morada: Hotel SANA Lisboa - Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo 8. Lisboa
    Horário: Acesso ao evento entre as 16:00 e 19:00hrs
