GitHub Satellite @ Amsterdam - 11 MAY 2016

GitHub Satellite is a celebration of the latest and greatest in software. Join us to learn how developers, founders, activists, and more create impactful technologies.

Great software is about community.

At Satellite, you'll find people who are working together to tackle the latest and most difficult challenges in software—from writing code to shipping impactful technologies.


Develop Track

provides practical and tactical advice to developers seeking to implement modern software development practices, maintain or evolve open source projects and communities, and adopt best practices for scaling or building integrations for GitHub.

Discover Track

provides an introduction to the ideas, people and companies who are advancing the world through software, creating business transformation, or building the methodologies and practices that will drive software development into the future.


Scaling GitHub - A look at the technology behind the worlds largest code host

Collaborating with Hubot for a more efficient DevOps workflow

In pursuit of open source security

Social coding at SAP

Prototyping the Internet of Things

Session details coming soon

Speaker coming soon


Panel: open source maintainers

Optimizing for cognitive workflows: why continuous delivery isn't just for tools

Building cross-platform apps with Electron

Panel: every company is a software company


How we built GOV.UK without breaking the web

Staying sane with small incremental releases

Using pull requests to drive continuous delivery

The API flow


After-party: Van Gogh Museum

Museumplein 6, 1071 DJ Amsterdam, Netherlands
