hack.summit() - newsletter


During hack.summit(), one of the most frequently asked questions to our speakers was what books they would recommend for programmers looking to build their own skills. Naturally, we received some terrific suggestions from several of our speakers. Read our blog post to find out what books you should be adding to your library.
    "Must Reads" from hack.summit()
    From our friends at Datalogics...

    Datalogics is the premier source for Adobe PDF and eBook developer technologies, including the Adobe PDF Library (PDFL) SDK. PDFL is built with the same core technology that Adobe uses to build Acrobat and contains a powerful set of native C/C++ APIs with interfaces for .NET and Java. Some features include:

    ·         Edit and assemble PDFs
    ·         Embed and subset fonts
    ·         View and render PDF files
    ·         Password-protect PDF files
    ·         And more

    Follow the Datalogics blog to learn about PDFL and other PDF technologies including Datalogics PDF Java Toolkit, DatalogicsPDF Alchemist, and more. Find additional resources on the Datalogics Knowledge Base and Developer SiteStart your free PDFL eval today.
    In February, we announced the launch of hack.guides(), a community for collaborating on creating great technical guides and tutorials. Catch up on the latest tutorials today - here are a few examples of what you'll find on hack.guides().

        hack.summit() is presented by: Pluralsight

