Beta-i newsletter, news and startups info


I feel like one of those kids who’s parents forgot to pick her up at school. All the other kids are gone and I’m just awkwardly standing there.

This is what happens when half of your team is on vacation. It just feels empty.

I don’t know if you feel the same, if you’re sunbathing at the beach or in the office balcony, but I’m here to fill you in with all the news and updates from our startup community either way:

We’ve partnered with Bright Pixel to bring you Europe’s biggest and raddest hackathon, Pixels Camp. 3 days of non-stop tech, with talks, workshops and a 48 hour programming competition. Find out all about it right here.

Talking about partnerships… we’ve been working with Amorim Cork Ventures as well, to help entrepreneurs build more eco-friendly and sustainable products. Click here to figure out how and know more about the Cork Challenge in Barcelona.

Now, coming back to Portugal, we bring you the exclusive opportunity of being one of the very first people to have the Startup Guide Lisbon. Pre-order the book right here and get a 20% discount.

And, last but not least, applications to Road 2 Web Summit are still open. Startup Portugal will choose 66 Portuguese startups to attend the event with the Alpha Pass and pitch to international investors. Find out more about it here.

That’s all for now. Have a great vacation, if that's the case, or just click the bored button.   

From the one and only Almighty Duchess of Content who will, in fact, go on vacations next week, to look for some peace and quiet, and where her gigantic dog can run wild and free, without having to chew on her Hemingway novels.


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Lisbon Challenge alumni, Uniplaces, was highlighted by CB Insights as one of the most well-funded startups in Europe. But, there's another Portuguese born startup on the list... More
Infraspeak, who has been through the previous batch of Lisbon Challenge, has joined 500 Startups. Find out all about this story and their pre-seed investment with Caixa Capital. More
Working remotely in Lisbon is becoming a trend... So during this summer at Beta-i, we have welcomed 75 digital nomads who will be working from our office in Lisbon. More
Paul Graham said 'do things that don't scale' for a reason. Learn how to talk to your customers and why it matters to go that extra mile for your early adopters. More
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