Startup Heatmap Europe - newsletter | Build your own Startup Heatmap Europe

The Startup Heatmap Europe launched its interactive analytics platform allowing everyone to create their very own - downloadable - map of Europe´s startup hubs.
You should always stick to your promises, right?

Dear entrepreneurship enthusiast !

THAT is exactly the reason why we write to you - we promised you something really nice and we believe it is equally fresh as a ice-cold beer...

Ok, we believe we raised the expectations enough now!

Build your own Startup Heatmap Europe

After having given you our view on the interconnections of founder hubs in Europe and having analyzed location choices and founder mobility in our in-depth report it is time to give the control back to you - who made all these possible!

Check out our newly released
analytics platform and visualize your own city on the map or compare it with your nastiest competitors! (We for instance couldn´t resist to put the #1 champion Berlin and the fastest growing newcomer Lisbon on the map above). And yes! We let you download those nice pictures in png and vector-based formats - (please reference us when you use it)
Go play and download your individual map of Startup Europe now!!!

You know what would be also awesome? If you could share your new creations and your thoughts on them with all of us on Twitter under #startupheatmap tagging us @eustartup


You might realize that we have added a "Donations" button to our map. This is because we believe the Startup Heatmap Europe is by the community and for the community - so it should be always free!

However, we are a group of volunteers who built this from scratch in our free time and we believe that our work has provided you with useful insights. Thus, we want to give you the opportunity to help us make the Heatmap even better!

With your help, we will be able to:
  • Make the website mobile-friendlier
  • Add more data from our survey to the map (sort for type of startup, founder preferences, etc.)
  • Connect 3rd party location data sources like GDP, unemployment rate, internet speed, house rents, etc.
  • And of course continue the survey to have comparisons over time!
