APRIL 2017
Dear Impact Maker,

Spring has sprung and we are seeing its first blossoms.
We are now officially: Impact Hub Lisbon!
After three hard working stages, we are extremely proud to announce that our city is on the map of the first locally rooted and globally connected network.
We feel extremely grateful for all the support we have received both nationally and internationally. This week begun with +2000 likes on Facebook, reflecting the consistent growth of our community - Thanks to each one of you!

Welcome to this new social entrepreneurship dynamic, scroll down and find out what´s happening at the Impact Hub Lisbon!
The 3rd edition of the Business Basics Workshop already took place in the first week of April. Couldn´t make it? Don´t worry, you can still sign up for the 4th session, on the 26th here.

Also during the first week of the month, we had the pleasure to host Le Wagon Lisbon for a free Ruby Coding Workshop.

And because we believe in a future with equal opportunities for everyone, we participated in the first WinB Sharing Moments series to encourage, empower and connect Women in Business.

As partners of the Montepio Acredita Portugal, we were pleased to be part of the jury on the second round of this empowering competition.

A big Thank You to all participants of these events, passionate individuals that turn inspirations into opportunities of development, further action and meaningful collaboration.
The best way to engage with our future plans is to see it for yourself. We're excited to invite you to join our Hub Tours, happening in different dates, choose what works best for you. This will be a great opportunity to visit our future space, and know more about our upcoming projects to positively impact Lisbon and the world. Come and talk to us, become a member!
Check out the opportunities that we have been sharing, apply and use your skills to improve the future:
Escola de Impacto
Postcode Lottery Green Challenge
BridgeBuilder Challenge
Beyond roles and systems we see people. Read on how our pioneer members have been spreading courageous and mindful actions. 
Afonso Mendonça, from Mentes Empreendedoras, shares what motivates his team to create Inspire Your Teacher.

Lindsey Wuisan, one of our pioneer members and founder of Circular Economy Portugal, explaining the paradigm shift promoted by the circular economy. Plus, she will pitch at the biggest Zoom Smart Cities event, occuring in June, in Portugal.  
We are happy to welcome another international member to our network.
Ibtihal Benharoual, PHD moroccan student in Gender Studies & Public Policies, and active member of the "Jeunes Leaders Marocains" NGO (meaning "Moroccan Young Leaders") promoting the youth's civic engagement through social entrepreneurship.

She will stay with us this month to discover the Start-ups and social entrepreneurship environment in Lisbon. She is looking for inspirations regarding a project she is currently leading, which is the opening of a new kind of creative coworking space in her home country.
We look forward to welcome you in our permanent location, already next month!

Blossoming greetings,
The Impact Hub Lisbon Team
Our mailing address is:
Impact Hub Lisbon
Rua da Imprensa Nacional 34, r/c
1200-124 Lisboa
Copyright © 2016 Impact Hub Lisbon, All rights reserved.
