eGamingServices Hackathon - 1 - 2 SEPT 2017

Hackathon 2017

It’s all night long. eGamingServices Hackathon challenging the best developers in Portugal to create new approaches for Gaming industry. Come up, think, develop and program creative solutions and something that will hopefully make the difference.

This will be our first eGamingServices Hackathon. To ensure we deliver unfortgetable experience to everyone, this night going to be full of challenges. The developers are defying to promote solutions for Gaming industry.

What's going to happen?

  • You'll have a list of challenges to choose from. The list are available at the beging of the Hackathon.
  • Take wiht you a Laptop, charger and headphones.
  • Each team will choose one challenge to develop in 24 hours.
  • Food and hydration are guaranteed for the whole hackathon.
