Pixels Camp - 28 - 30, SEPT 2017 @PAV. CARLOS LOPES, LISBON - Apply

3 days of non-stop tech, talks, workshops and a 48 hour programming competition


You know the drill. The event is 100% free for participants, but only the most talented and motivated will get in. Because the venue is so much bigger, we’re probably raising our attendance limits but don’t get too excited though, you should apply as soon as possible and be extra careful with the info you provide to us.
Here are some suggestions of things you can add to your bio and pitch when you apply:
  • Technologies you work with
  • Projects you’ve done
  • Things you’re interested in
  • Why you want to attend Pixels Camp
  • If you’ve been at previous similar events, what you did there
Remember: we don’t have the bandwidth to go sneaking on your personal webpage or blog looking for this information. You have to make it available in your Bio or Pitch.
Before you apply, please take a look at the rules and recommendations page.

Call for talks

If you feel inclined to be a speaker this year, that’s great too. Extra karma points for that. We’re looking for novelty and relevance. Try to awe the attendees with fresh insights about the future, and remember that you’ll be talking to one of the most hard-core and talented audiences on earth. Make good use of that.
We’re using the same process as last year’s. Go to our Github page to know how to submit a talk.

