15th Edtion - Open Source LX by Syone - 28 SEPT 2017

Porquê participar no #OpenSourceLx?
Organizado pela Syone com o apoio da Caixa Mágica, o Open Source Lisbon é o maior evento GRATUITO Open Source em Portugal.
Esta 15ª Edição oferecerá um evento de um dia inteiro a gestores de negócio e entusiastas das tecnologias, com especial interesse nas tecnologias Open Source e novas formas de impulsionar a transformação digital nos negócios.
Sob o tema ‘Open your business to digital transformation’, os participantes ficarão a conhecer como é que, desde startups disruptivas a empresas Fortune 500 estão a alavancar a transformação digital através das tecnologias Open Source.
Powered by Syone and supported by Caixa Mágica, Open Source Lisbon is the biggest Open Source FREE event in Portugal.
This 15th edition will offer a full-day event for business professionals and tech enthusiasts with a special interest for Open Source technologies and new ways to drive digital business transformation.
Under the theme ‘Open your business to digital transformation’, participants will learn how disruptive startups to Fortune 500 companies are leveraging Open Source technologies to power digital transformation.
The event will have two sessions: the morning session will focus on a strategic business approach and, in the afternoon, the session will be more technical showing operational features, similar to the past editions.

The conference venue and agenda will be announced soon at the website:

The event is free of charge, but registration is required.


