Hack 4 Ageing Well - 24-hour Hackathon - September 30 to October 1st.

Hack 4 Ageing Well

Design, Prototype and Build solutions for supporting people in their later years of life.
Hack 4 Ageing Well is a 24-hour hackathon, happening from September 30 to October 1st, focused on developing innovative tech solutions for the elderly in a creative, interdisciplinary environment. The guide-rules are simple: Put yourself and your team to the test, get coached and reviewed by a panel of international experts and potential users of your future product, learn new skills and bring the best ideas forward!

With a focus on teamwork, design thinking and prototyping, the Hack 4 Ageing Well hackathon is looking for innovative tech solutions for the elderly trying to bring them closer to today’s reality and improving the quality of life that this part of the community needs.

The event is promoted by the
AAL Programme and will anticipate the ALL Forum, happening in Coimbra this Fall.
Attendance is free but registration is required. Don’t miss this opportunity to help make the difference.
For more information check our FAQ's and our Terms & Conditions.

source: http://aalhackathon2017.strikingly.com/
