The Mercedes-Benz Digital Challenge - Newsletter

The Mercedes-Benz Digital Challenge to be an inspiring, educational and challenging experience the last couple of weeks.

We are delighted to see the many creative submissions with the use of the provided APIs.

Awards Ceremony

The top 15 best submissions were invited to the Awards Ceremony held in the Mercedes-Benz casino & museum. During this spectacular evening, there was room to meet the stakeholders, mingle with the other participants and of course the announcement of the 3 winners.
The winning submissions are:
  1. Safe Drive - [link]
  2. KarMa - [link]
  3. Virtuo - [link]

Two members of Safe Drive will go to the Web Summit in Lisbon on November 6-9, to present their solution alongside Mercedes-Benz.

The Web Summit is the largest tech conference in the world, where the technology community of all industries will meet, network and get inspired. If you intend to go there you can visit the Mercedes-Benz coders lounge to meet also our API experts and get insights of our developer platform.  

Mercedes-Benz will continue to collaborate with external developers and will present /developers, the developer platform at WebSummit in Lisbon. More and more APIs will be available on this platform encouraging the development of innovative business models. You are invited to look and play around with the APIs!

Mercedes-Benz Digital Challenge

We want to thank everybody once again for participating in the Mercedes-Benz Digital Challenge. We started on July 24th and received much interest since the beginning. It's a delight to see the interaction on the platform between the participants and the mentors.

Because we all have one goal, finding the winning solution! I hope you enjoyed and could learn something from the webinars hosted by High Mobility and could bring your project to a higher level. The crash test was a good checkpoint to see the progress of the projects and to receive valuable feedback from the mentors to use for the final submission.

Thank you for hacking with us and hope to see you on the new Mercedes-Benz developer platform!
