Blue Bio Value | Everything you need to know about the program 🚀 🐠

Blue Bio Value | Everything you need to know about the program  🚀 🐠

Meet the team

Meet António Lucena de Faria, Fábrica de Startup’s CEO and founder. António has been one of the entrepreneurship pioneers in Portugal. He has founded several companies and led more than 30 acceleration programs with Fábrica de Startups. He has developed the FabStart Methodology a proven method that will help you validate your business model in 9 critical steps. Blue Bio Value will have a series of 9 bootcamps based on this method so you’ll be able to prove its effectiveness by yourself.

Find out more about António and FabStart Methodology here

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All aboard

We won’t rest until we have the very best players on our side to help you! We’re currently working on a getting a network of partners who will make available labs, tech and research centers, water access and ponds where you’ll be able to test and develop your prototypes.



All selected teams will have full access to the Biomarine convention. It’s the place to be if you want to learn more about the new innovations in the field of the Marine Economy, to create partnerships and to improve your network. Participants will also have the opportunity to pitch their business idea to the audience in the My Blue City.
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