ImpactHUB Lisbon - Newsletter: What's Hubbening This Week?

Your weekly update on the social impact scene in Lisboa:

Welcome back to your weekly dose of silliness from Hub Land. We're starting with a new feature today, some virtuous reading. So, in an act of shameless self-promotion, we are featuring an article from Hub Global. And it's about our favourite cheery topic - PLASTIC POLLUTION! 

Remember a year ago, before David Attenborough set the world on fire, and we weren't all totally losing our minds about this? Amazing how things can change isn't it!

So, if you want any information about the problems, their origin, possible solutions & links to more info, click here.
Coming Up This Week:
Friday 28th
- Wine Down - IT'S BACK! with a brand new host (luckily it's still a Frenchman serving our wine). Join in for everyone's favourite way to start the weekend. €2 members, €3 non-members

Tuesday 2nd July:
- Community Lunch 1-2pm: Bring Your Own Food to contribute to the shared meal.
- Hub Dates: Open Day Tours (see below)

Thursday 4th: 
- Let's Talk: Artivismo pela Justiça Climática 18h30 - 20h. (see below)
- Chef Joana's Tasty Lunch - 13h00 (see below)
Join the Impact Hub crew, as a Member Host!
OK, I can't believe I'm having to continue advertising this. Clearly I'm not explaining something.
Are you amazing, ambitious, courageous, creative, hilarious & happy?
If your two answers are yes (and I cannot see why they wouldn't be), then get in touch!
You will be given responsibility for managing the space one day per week, leading tours, being generally charming, singing the praises of membership & taking the lead on special projects that improve HubLife & give you a chance to shine. As if that were not reward enough in itself, you will be given full Hub membership in return.

Email Joana here if you want to join the team.
Fra's Funding & Jobs Picks
1. Are you working to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals? If not, please do consider it. Everyone will thank you. And you'll get the chance to apply to amazing programs like GovTech. Win €30,000, incubation support & much more for your prototype project.
2. Get yourself some Yankee-doodle-dollars with this Small Grants Program from our great, great friends across the water. It's great! Believe it or not, one of the priorities is Countering Misinformation. Yea, ironic isn't it? There's a pretty wide range of other winning causes they want to throw some $$$$ at, so check it out duuuude!
3. You want to live in Barcelona? You're unemployed (or unhappily employed) and are excited about startups, online media & tech events? Boy oh boy, today is your lucky day, because you might become the Chief Operating Officer for EU-Startups!
4. Ok, this one's too complicated to write anything concise or witty about. But it's lots of money, it's from Altice, they want innovative tech-y start ups & Masters or PhD candidates, and you can find out more here.
5. Everybody has heard of the big fancy-pants Hub Creativo Beato that they're building out east. Well, someone there wants to know about co-living, by June 30th. If they like what you've got to say, they'll throw some money at you to make it happen. See more here.
Let's Talk: Artivismo pela Justiça Climática: July 4th
Like making art & being creative? Want to save the planet? Yea, me too! So, come along to this event. Basically, meet some great folk like you, & get involved with efforts to combine the arts with climate action.
You can sign up for free & find out more
Hub Dates: Open Days for Future Members
We are now running tours every Tuesday, at 11h and 15h.
Do you know someone who would be a great Impact Hub member?
Are you that person?
Find out if the Hub is right for you, every Tuesday. You're welcome to arrive early, or stay late, to
experience the bliss of working here & being part of the community.
You're also welcome to join us for the Community Lunch after the tour at 11h, or before the tour at 15h.
If you want to stay for lunch, please bring a contribution of food to add to the general collection. And we hope you will join us to prepare the meal together too.
Chef Joana's Tasty Lunch!

Stuff your face!!! Every Thursday at 13h. Two massive vegetarian courses of deliciousness for €8.

Stop working & sign up on Slack #hubfood.
If you want to come along to an open day, you can find out more & sign up on Facebook or MeetUp, or please email Joana here.
What's Been Hubbening This Week?
Lots of happy, smiling faces at the Dragon Dreaming Workshop that took over the Hub last weekend. Virgilio is offering more chances to engage with this transformational practice, which you can see on his Facebook page here.
Impact Hub Members!
Do you want your good news to appear in this newsletter?
Submit entries to the #newsletter channel on Slack.
Copyright © 2019 ImpactHUB @ Lisbon, All rights reserved.
