2021 ImpactHUB @ Lisbon, Newletter



After two weeks transition phase, we've moved to our new space. Thanks to our supportive community to help us with that. Nowadays, due to the sad situation of COVID-19 and new restrictions we have to keep the space close. But you can get the latest news about our opening days and hours on our Google Maps page.

Impact Hub's Programs:
Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)
A Embaixada dos EUA em Portugal tem o prazer de lançar pela primeira vez em Portugal a Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) para apoiar mulheres a lançarem e crescerem os seus projetos empreendedores, em parceria com o @Impact Hub Lisbon. Para mulheres com ideias empreendedoras, que queiram começar o seu próprio negócio ou impulsionar um projecto que já implementaram. 💡 📅 Candidaturas até 21 de Fevereiro.
Vem saber mais na nossa página
🎉 Delighted to announce that our space has been featured in "Around The World in 250 Coworking Spaces", a beautiful coffee table book that launched earlier this week.
What's in it? Inspiration from around the world, stories from collaborative spaces of many kinds on how and why they started and grew with time.
A great guide to get if you like beautifully designed books filled with inspiration and learnings!
Impact Hub Startups: TravTribe
Your exclusive invitation to step into a secret tale of Lisbon:
Here is an invitation for you to step into a secret tale of Lisbon whispered to you by the city herself. You will be the center of the story, a narrative shared through our app that guides your steps into a journey of many tales to tell. Part city tour, part game, you’ll see the streets become your playground as it guides you to step into an experience that facilitates meeting local artists, entrepreneurs and explore the local collective dream. Join the waitlist to receive an invitation for the Lisboa experience for March 2021 👇

Impact Hub Programs:
Social Entrepreneur's Toolkit

🔥 Calling all new social entrepreneurs!
Got a great business idea but don’t know how to make it a reality? Look no further than the Social Entrepreneur’s Toolkit: a 6 week online course that will kickstart your transition into the career of your dreams. Gain the skills you need to map out your business idea and convince others to partner, buy, invest and spread the word.


É com imenso gosto que partilhamos consigo a abertura das candidaturas para o novo programa de Executivos da CATÓLICA-LISBON – Center for Responsible Business and Leadership: Responsible Business: Próxima Fonte de Vantagem Competitiva.

Tendo de novo a parceria com a Fundação Gulbenkian, temos 5 bolsas a oferecer a empreendedores sociais (com empresa formalmente criada), colaboradores de PME, startups e microempresas portuguesas. Como habitualmente, partilhamos consigo de forma a eventualmente ajudar-nos na divulgação juntos dos vossos membros. Muito obrigada!

O curso Responsible Business: Próxima fonte de vantagem competitiva, irá realizar-se em Fevereiro e Março de 2021. Este curso permitirá introduzir o conceito de Responsible Business, bem como aprofundar as temáticas em torno da Sustentabilidade (económica, social e ambiental), Purpose, Sustainble Development Goals, Business Case for action, Business Model Innovation, Business Ethics e sustainbale Competitive Advantage.

Para a candidatura a bolsas, os candidatos deverão submeter a sua candidatura ao Programa e no preenchimento do campo "Observações / Informações Adicionais" (último campo do formulário) deverão colocar a indicação "Candidatura Bolsa Gulbenkian". Posteriormente receberão formulário a preencher.

As candidaturas estão abertas até dia 30 de Janeiro.

Para questões técnicas de inscrição no curso poderão contactar diretamente: ana.marisa.santos@ucp.pt

Do you want to appear in this newsletter?

Members, if you have some news/opportunities or whatever you would like to share with us, don't hesitate to write to us to be included in the next edition.
Copyright © 2021 ImpactHUB @ Lisbon, All rights reserved.
