Impact Hub Lisbon - newsletter


Hello again, we hope you enjoyed your summer and recharged your batteries for an intense second semester of 2021!

We suggested on our Instagram a few books to get you warmed up for the months ahead but another very important, not exactly light beach reading, came out last month and it's impossible to dismiss it: the IPCC report. The facts it outlines might not come as surprise for most of us in the Impact Hub community, but at least they have now used more powerful language to state that the climate crisis is ‘unequivocally’ caused by human activities. Every bit of warming matters in terms of creating different outcomes that define now the type of life we will have in the coming decades. We can feel all doom and gloom about it but we can also roll up our sleeves and make our very best to achieve positive outcomes. What are you doing to help keep global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius?


We are challenging small and medium fashion enterprises to transition to circular and sustainable models.  Come and join us for an info session about our new acceleration programme Small But Perfect. We will explain what the programme is all about, dedicate time to answer questions and, most importantly, introduce you to fellow sustainable fashion entrepreneurs whom you might partner with to submit a proposal. Selected partnerships will receive € 10,275 grants to develop and showcase their products and services. 

In order to attend, please register by clicking the button below until September 6th.



Escola de Impacto é um programa de empreendedorismo e inovação social, fruto da parceria entre a Fundação Ageas e o Impact Hub Lisbon, que tem por objetivo promover a inclusão social através da empregabilidade.

Tivemos a nossa primeira turma em 2017 num curso presencial e repetimos a experiência em 2018. Em 2020, adaptámo-nos ao formato online, expandindo não só os horizontes geográficos, como também o perfil dos nossos beneficiários. Agora, em 2021, a Escola de Impacto passa a oferecer dois cursos, o Inspira-te e o Relança-te, que partilham o mesmo objetivo, mas que se distinguem no formato, metodologias e públicos-alvo.

Neste momento as candidaturas para o curso Inspira-te estão abertas! Este curso destina-se a pessoas com mais de 30 anos de idade, que estejam em situação de desemprego ou emprego precário e que sejam acompanhadas por uma entidade social na área metropolitana de Lisboa. Conhece alguém que preencha os requisitos? Encontre mais informações sobre as candidaturas e o percurso de capacitação em!


Em Setembro começa a fase de aceleração do programa ‘BORA MULHERES, que realizamos em parceria com a Coca-Cola Portugal. Nesta 2ª fase, as 15 participantes que apresentaram os melhores projetos no demo-day serão acompanhadas por mentores especializados em diferentes áreas do empreendedorismo, e juntos trabalharão a fundo nos seus próprios negócios. Fica atenta ao nosso Instagram para ficares a par das novidades deste programa! ;)


With a background in tech and a foot in the creative world, Sharzad strives to create scalable experiences that enable a shift of perspective for empathy and loving connection between people of the world.  ‘IMERCITA’ is the name of her project.  It is like the Netflix for immersive experiences. This tech-based platform is supported by local creative artists who create the stories. Every story turns the city into a movie that you can step into as the primary role actor. This story unravels with your every step and the Imercita app guides your steps until the end. Imercita is launching on October 1st with two main city-wide experiences in Lisbon. Check here!

Impact Hub Madrid is looking for:

Content and social media creator

Teaching Lead and Industry Lead

Project Manager of Sustainability

Project Manager for European Projects

Comercial Responsible with experience in Real State

Travessa Pedras Negras 1, 1 direito, 1100-404 Lisboa
+351 913965250
Copyright © 2021 *IMPACT HUB LISBON*, All rights reserved.
