BLUE ACCELERATION NETWORK - AspBAN project related to the Atlantic Action Plan 2.0 - Newsletter - Open application

The AspBAN project is related to the Atlantic Action Plan 2.0:

Pillar 1 Ports As Gateways And Hubs For The Blue Economy
Goal 1: Ports as gateways for trade in the Atlantic I Goal 2: Ports as catalysts for business
There is a need and an opportunity for EU Atlantic Port to diversify the revenue sources of their business model, by acting not only in the core areas of cargo and passenger handling, but also being the main playground/ ecosystem for the development of new blue businesses and of a sustainable ocean economy.
There is a need for an acceleration services platform that enables this policy and business need and opportunity.

About AspBAN

The AspBAN project has been awarded funding by the European Union to develop a dynamic acceleration services platform for Atlantic ports to work as blue economy hubs, thus diversifying their business models and revenue sources.

