Impact Hub Lisbon - Newsletter




While we slowly start to walk more freely in the city again, we also begin to understand that some things will simply not go back the way they were before the Covid-19 pandemic.
Work is just one of them. How many of you had to reinvent yourselves and your jobs during the last year and a half? 

We definitely did. We saw the need to rethink the way we work, the services we offer and even our business model. We have then decided to focus our energy in offering more capacity building programs for people who are taking their first steps into their social entrepreneurship journey. 

Why? Mainly for three reasons. First, because we believe that businesses - no matter their size - have a major role to play in building a more sustainable, just world. Secondly because people are thirsty for having more agency over, and purpose, in their work. Thirdly, more than creating a business itself, we truly believe that the entrepreneurial mindset and skills
(e.g. resilience, proactivity and 'learn by doing') can help anyone navigate the challenges of the 21st century. In this sense, check below the opportunities that are open for you and what we have been up to!


Inês Marques, fundadora do El Warcha e alumni do Relança-te

O Relança-te é um dos frutos da nossa reflexão pandémica. Não só é a adaptação de um curso que antes era presencial, mas foi desenhado para pessoas que estão a repensar as suas atividades profissionais e estão com desejo de mudança. 

Se estás a buscar mais autonomia no teu trabalho, ou viste os teus rendimentos impactados pela pandemia, ou estás com vontade de tirar aquele projeto da gaveta, aqui vai um convite para ti: candidata-te ao Relança-te até o dia 2/11.

É um curso online, que criámos em conjunto com a Fundação Ageas, para te dar as ferramentas e o suporte necessários para arrancares com a tua ideia de negócio. Além de formações com forte componente prática, mentoria individualizada e novas conexões, podes ganhar ainda €1500 para investires no teu projeto. Esta é a terceira edição deste programa, que já conta com 30+ alumni.
Visita o nosso Instagram para ler alguns dos depoimentos deles ;)




Enfim...o nosso primeiro evento presencial! Dia 29 de Outubro, tivemos o lançamento oficial do curso 'Inspira-te', um percurso de capacitação destinado a pessoas que estão em situação de emprego precário, desemprego ou reforma e que tenham a motivação para agarrarem uma nova oportunidade profissional.

O evento decorreu no espaço NA ESQUINA, onde contámos com a presença de diferentes públicos: desde entidades sociais e seus convidados com interesse em participar no curso, até alumni que partilharam as suas experiências nas edições passadas, parceiros institucionais e também formadores que vão colaborar nesta nova edição.

Foi um evento super dinâmico, no qual tivemos oportunidade de assistir a debates sobre a importância do empreendedorismo social nos dias de hoje e realizar atividades de reflexão e autoconhecimento com potenciais participantes.

Um dia que marcou o início de mais uma edição do 'Inspira-te' e que promete acompanhar 30 novos formandos. Este é mais um curso da Escola de Impacto, um programa de empreendedorismo e inovação social, fruto da nossa colaboração com a Fundação Ageas.

As candidaturas estão abertas até o dia 27 de Outubro.


This month we hosted 2 groups of MBA students from TIAS School for Business and Society and introduced them to social entrepreneurs who are tackling complex problems, like the food supply chain and waste management, with local and impactful solutions in Lisbon.

We kicked off with a visit to our new coworking space here in Baixa, where our Managing Director Francesco explained the role of Impact Hub in the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Portugal. Then we heard from Novo Novo and R-Coat, who have participated in previous capacity building programs of ours, to get valuable insights on their journeys starting social businesses that are closing loops in the wood and textile industries.

Finally, we visited Rizoma Coop, a third project who is part of our Impact Hub alumni community, for a conversation around alternative forms of governance, food consumption and how sustainability can be embedded in the business model.

Real stories from real entrepreneurs, and truly rich dialogues. Thanks to everyone involved and specially to NOVA SBE for inviting us to design two days of inspiration with people who are eager to generate positive impact.


Hania and Joshua are a couple of young entrepreneurs who created an app called TIME NAVI that aims to help people make time for what matters most to them, by managing their time more effectively. This app works alongside people’s Google Calendar and Gmail to make time management easy and accessible.They also provide time management coaching sessions and workshops, to help people reorganise their schedule and make time for their priorities: those related to business as well as personal life.

Before coming to Lisbon they had already been residents Impact Hub Vienna, where they started working on their app for the first time. "We really appreciate Impact Hub’s ability to create an inspiring and welcoming community and we met the most amazing people by being part of it!" – they say :)

Go visit their website to get to know more about how you can easily become more productive and happy at the same time!


Join us and EVPA on the 15th and 16th of November in Porto for C Summit 2021 – the first and ultimate European Corporate Philanthropy and Social Investing Summit. 

EVPA is also organising an online Crash Course on Corporate Social Investing on 8 November for those who are interested in learning more about how corporate foundations, sustainability groups, corporate accelerators and funds contribute to the impact ecosystem and how to go beyond CSR practices to become agents of change.



_Fundação Ageas procura 
Venture Philanthropy Strategist

_Beta-i está à procura de um 
Financial Assistant

_Maze just launched a
Careers Portal 
for finding job opportunities in the impact ecosystem


Fundación MAPFRE Awards for Social Innovation 

Stone Soup Award on Research in Social Innovation

FedEx Small Business Grant 


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